------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* The views here contain most of the logic for creating the website content. The views are grouped in the same order as the menu on the site. Future Improvements: 1. Be more consistent with excluding refunded and fundraising statuses. 2. Be more consistent with using posted_date or disbursal_date. 3. Convert to ANSI syntax. 4. Convert to more efficient to_string method. Created by Jon Heller (jonearles@yahoo.com) */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Disable variable substitution. For TOAD, right-click in SQL Editor and uncheck "Prompt for Substitution Variables" set scan off; set define off; --This materialized views throws an ORA-600 when you try to refresh it, so drop and recreate it instead. drop materialized view mv_metrics; create materialized view mv_metrics refresh on demand as --Takes 10 seconds to create select region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, variableType, description, value from ( with loanMetrics as ( select region, max(regionNumber) regionNumber, country, max(countryNumber) countryNumber ,max(numberOfLoans) numberOfLoans,max(defaulted) defaulted,max(defaultedPercent) defaultedPercent ,max(paid) paid,max(paidPercent) paidPercent,max(in_repayment) in_repayment ,max(in_repaymentPercent) in_repaymentPercent,max(funded) funded,max(fundedPercent) fundedPercent ,max(refunded) refunded,max(refundedPercent) refundedPercent,max(fundraising) fundraising ,max(fundraisingPercent) fundraisingPercent,max(amountLoaned) amountLoaned,max(numberOfSectors) numberOfSectors ,max(numberOfActivities) numberOfActivities,max(numberOfCountries) numberOfCountries ,max(numberOfTowns) numberOfTowns,max(numberOfPartners) numberOfPartners,max(numberOfCurrencies) numberOfCurrencies ,max(largestLoan) largestLoan,max(smallestLoan) smallestLoan,max(averageLoan) averageLoan ,max(averageLoanPerBorrower) averageLoanPerBorrower,max(firstDisbursalDate) firstDisbursalDate ,max(firstPostedDate) firstPostedDate,max(firstFundedDate) firstFundedDate ,max(firstPaidDate) firstPaidDate,max(firstRefundedDate) firstRefundedDate,max(numberOfLanguages) numberOfLanguages ,max(numberOfJournalEntries) numberOfJournalEntries,max(averageJournalEntries) averageJournalEntries ,max(numberOfPayments) numberOfPayments,max(averagePayments) averagePayments ,max(numberOfScheduledPayments) numberOfScheduledPayments,max(averageScheduledPayments) averageScheduledPayments ,max(numberOfLocalPayments) numberOfLocalPayments,max(averageLocalPayments) averageLocalPayments ,max(numberOfBorrowers) numberOfBorrowers,max(averageBorrowers) averageBorrowers from ( select countries.region, countries.regionNumber, countries.country, countries.countryNumber ,to_char(count(*)) numberOfLoans ,to_char(count(case when status = 'defaulted' then 1 else null end)) defaulted ,trim(to_char(count(case when status = 'defaulted' then 1 else null end) / count(*) * 100, '990.00')) defaultedPercent ,to_char(count(case when status = 'paid' then 1 else null end)) paid ,trim(to_char(count(case when status = 'paid' then 1 else null end) / count(*) * 100, '990.00')) paidPercent ,to_char(count(case when status = 'in_repayment' then 1 else null end)) in_repayment ,trim(to_char(count(case when status = 'in_repayment' then 1 else null end) / count(*) * 100, '990.00')) in_repaymentPercent ,to_char(count(case when status = 'funded' then 1 else null end)) funded ,trim(to_char(count(case when status = 'funded' then 1 else null end) / count(*) * 100, '990.00')) fundedPercent ,to_char(count(case when status = 'refunded' then 1 else null end)) refunded ,trim(to_char(count(case when status = 'refunded' then 1 else null end) / count(*) * 100, '990.00')) refundedPercent ,to_char(count(case when status = 'fundraising' then 1 else null end)) fundraising ,trim(to_char(count(case when status = 'fundraising' then 1 else null end) / count(*) * 100, '990.00')) fundraisingPercent ,to_char(sum(loan_amount)) amountLoaned ,to_char(count(distinct sector)) numberOfSectors ,to_char(count(distinct activity)) numberOfActivities ,to_char(count(distinct loan.country)) numberOfCountries ,to_char(count(distinct town)) numberOfTowns ,to_char(count(distinct partner_id)) numberOfPartners ,to_char(count(distinct disbursal_currency)) numberOfCurrencies ,to_char(max(loan_amount)) largestLoan ,to_char(min(loan_amount)) smallestLoan ,trim(to_char(avg(loan_amount),'999990.0')) averageLoan ,trim(to_char(avg(loan_amount / borrowers.total),'999990.0')) averageLoanPerBorrower ,to_char(min(disbursal_date), 'DD Mon YYYY') firstDisbursalDate ,to_char(min(posted_date), 'DD Mon YYYY') firstPostedDate ,to_char(min(funded_date), 'DD Mon YYYY') firstFundedDate ,to_char(min(paid_date), 'DD Mon YYYY') firstPaidDate ,to_char(min(refunded_date), 'DD Mon YYYY') firstRefundedDate ,null numberOfLanguages ,to_char(count(journal_entries)) numberOfJournalEntries ,trim(to_char(nvl(avg(journal_entries), 0), '999,990.00')) averageJournalEntries ,to_char(nvl(sum(payments.total), 0)) numberOfPayments ,trim(to_char(nvl(avg(payments.total), 0), '999,990.00')) averagePayments ,to_char(nvl(sum(scheduledPayments.total), 0)) numberOfScheduledPayments ,trim(to_char(nvl(avg(scheduledPayments.total), 0), '999,990.00')) averageScheduledPayments ,to_char(nvl(sum(localPayments.total), 0)) numberOfLocalPayments ,trim(to_char(nvl(avg(localPayments.total), 0), '999,990.00')) averageLocalPayments ,to_char(nvl(sum(borrowers.total), 0)) numberOfBorrowers ,trim(to_char(nvl(avg(borrowers.total), 0), '999,990.00')) averageBorrowers from loan ,(select distinct country, country.region, dense_rank()over(order by country)-1 countryNumber ,dense_rank()over(order by country.region) regionNumber from loan, country where loan.country = country.name) countries ,(select loan_id, count(*) total from payment group by loan_id) payments ,(select loan_id, count(*) total from scheduledpayment group by loan_id) scheduledPayments ,(select loan_id, count(*) total from localPayment group by loan_id) localPayments ,(select loan_id, count(*) total from borrower group by loan_id) borrowers where loan.country = countries.country and loan.id = payments.loan_id (+) and loan.id = scheduledpayments.loan_id (+) and loan.id = localPayments.loan_id (+) and loan.id = borrowers.loan_id (+) group by grouping sets ( () ,(countries.region, countries.regionNumber) ,(countries.country, countries.countryNumber) ) --------- union all --------- --Number of languages must be calculated separately, since it requires a distinct count for each --grouping set, and there's no way to do this and combine it with the other sums (without duplicating --the rows for the other metrics). (TODO: Is there a better way to do this?) select country.region, null regionNumber, loan.country, null countryNumber ,null numberOfLoans,null defaulted,null defaultedPercent,null paid,null paidPercent,null in_repayment ,null in_repaymentPercent,null funded,null fundedPercent,null refunded,null refundedPercent,null fundraising ,null fundraisingPercent,null amountLoaned,null numberOfSectors,null numberOfActivities,null numberOfCountries ,null numberOfTowns,null numberOfPartners,null numberOfCurrencies,null largestLoan,null smallestLoan ,null averageLoan,null averageLoanPerBorrower,null firstDisbursalDate,null firstPostedDate,null firstFundedDate ,null firstPaidDate,null firstRefundedDate ,to_char(nvl(count(distinct loan_language.code), 0)) numberOfLanguages ,null numberOfJournalEntries,null averageJournalEntries,null numberOfPayments,null averagePayments ,null numberOfScheduledPayments,null averageScheduledPayments,null numberOfLocalPayments ,null averageLocalPayments,null numberOfBorrowers,null averageBorrowers from loan, loan_language, country where loan.id = loan_language.loan_id and loan.country = country.name group by grouping sets ( (country.region), (loan.country), () ) ) group by region, country ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Loans (#)' description, numberOfLoans value from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: defaulted (#)', defaulted from loanMetrics union all select 'percent' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: defaulted (%)', defaultedPercent from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: funded (#)', funded from loanMetrics union all select 'percent' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: funded (%)', fundedPercent from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: fundraising (#)', fundraising from loanMetrics union all select 'percent' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: fundraising (%)', fundraisingPercent from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: in_repayment (#)', in_repayment from loanMetrics union all select 'percent' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: in_repayment (%)', in_repaymentPercent from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: paid (#)', paid from loanMetrics union all select 'percent' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: paid (%)', paidPercent from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: refunded #', refunded from loanMetrics union all select 'percent' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Status: refunded (%)', refundedPercent from loanMetrics union all select 'money' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Amount loaned (sum)', amountLoaned from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Sectors (#)', numberOfSectors from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Activities (#)', numberOfActivities from loanMetrics union all --This doesn't apply to the country metrics select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Countries (#)', numberOfCountries from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Towns (#)', numberOfTowns from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Partners (#)', numberOfPartners from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Currencies (#)', numberOfCurrencies from loanMetrics union all select 'money' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Amount loaned (max)', largestLoan from loanMetrics union all select 'money' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Amount loaned (min)', smallestLoan from loanMetrics union all select 'money' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Amount loaned (avg)', averageLoan from loanMetrics union all select 'money' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Amt. per borrower (avg)', averageLoanPerBorrower from loanMetrics union all select 'date' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Date disbursed (first)', firstDisbursalDate from loanMetrics union all select 'date' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Date posted (first)', firstPostedDate from loanMetrics union all select 'date' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Date funded (first)', firstFundedDate from loanMetrics union all select 'date' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Date Paid (first)', firstPaidDate from loanMetrics union all select 'date' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Date refunded (first)', firstRefundedDate from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Languages (#)', numberOfLanguages from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Journal entries (#)', numberOfJournalEntries from loanMetrics union all select 'decimal' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Journal entries (avg)', averageJournalEntries from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Payments (#)', numberOfPayments from loanMetrics union all select 'decimal' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Payments (avg)', averagePayments from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Scheduled payments (#)', numberOfScheduledPayments from loanMetrics union all select 'decimal' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Scheduled payments (avg)', averageScheduledPayments from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Local payments (#)', numberOfLocalPayments from loanMetrics union all select 'decimal' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Local payments (avg)', averageLocalPayments from loanMetrics union all select 'number' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Borrowers (#)', numberOfBorrowers from loanMetrics union all select 'decimal' variableType, region, regionNumber, country, countryNumber, 'Borrowers (avg)', averageBorrowers from loanMetrics --union all ) order by description, regionNumber, countryNumber; --begin -- dbms_mview.refresh('MV_METRICS'); --end; --/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view v_summary_metrics as select ''||description||''||value||'' html from ( select description ,case when variableType = 'number' then trim(to_char(value, '999,999,990')) when variableType = 'percent' then trim(to_char(value, '999,999,990.00'))||'%' when variableType = 'money' then '$'||trim(to_char(value, '999,999,990')) else value end value from mv_metrics where region is null and country is null order by description ); create or replace view v_summary_cumulativeLoans as --ALSO USED IN HOME PAGE select case when rownumber = 1 then 'data.addRows('||to_char(numberOfRows)||');' else null end || --Display all months, let Google Charts API sort out which labels to print 'data.setValue('||to_char(rownumber-1)||', 0, "'||to_char(to_date(yearAndMonth, 'YYYYMM'), 'Mon YYYY')||'");'|| 'data.setValue('||to_char(rowNumber-1)||', 1, '||total||');' javascript from ( select yearAndMonth, sum(total) over (order by yearAndMonth rows between unbounded preceding and current row) total ,row_number() over (order by yearAndMonth) rownumber, count(total) over () numberOfRows from ( select months.yearAndMonth, count(loans.yearAndMonth) total from (select yearAndMonth from mv_months) months ,(select to_char(disbursal_date, 'YYYYMM') yearAndMonth from loan where disbursal_date is not null) loans --two loans don't have a date, and will throw off results where months.yearAndMonth = loans.yearAndMonth (+) group by months.yearAndMonth order by months.yearAndMonth ) ); /* TOO MUCH DATA, DOESN'T WORK --Cumulative Loans Timeline --Use date from first row select case when row_number() over (order by hours.datetime) <> 1 then ',' else null end|| sum(nvl(loans.total, 0)) over (order by hours.datetime) ,case when row_number() over (order by hours.datetime) <> 1 then null else '('||to_char(to_date(hours.datetime, 'YYYYMMDDHH24'), 'YYYY,MM,DD,HH24')||',0,0)' end firstTime --Old method that used separate statements for each value --case when row_number() over (order by hours.datetime) <> 1 then ',' else null end|| --'{c:[{v:new Date('||to_char(to_date(hours.datetime, 'YYYYMMDDHH24'), 'YYYY,MM,DD,HH24')||',0,0)},{v:'|| -- sum(nvl(loans.total, 0)) over (order by hours.datetime)||'}]}' javascript from ( --All hours since the beginning, including first and last select to_char((select min(posted_date) from loan) + (level - 1)/24, 'YYYYMMDDHH24') datetime from dual connect by level <= ((select max(posted_date) from loan) - ( select min(posted_date) from loan)) * 24 + 1/24 ) hours left outer join ( select to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMMDDHH24') datetime, count(id) total from loan group by to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMMDDHH24') ) loans on hours.datetime = loans.datetime order by hours.datetime; */ /* OLD GOOGLE CHARTS IMAGE --TODO: Add some useful tickmarks for months --Cumulative loans with loansPerMonth as ( select yearAndMonth, sum(total) over (order by yearAndMonth rows between unbounded preceding and current row) total from ( select months.yearAndMonth, count(loans.yearAndMonth) total from ( --Exclude the current month, since it will contain partial data select to_char(add_months(sysdate, -(level)), 'YYYYMM') yearAndMonth from dual connect by level <= months_between(sysdate, (select min(disbursal_date) from loan))+1 ) months ,(select to_char(disbursal_date, 'YYYYMM') yearAndMonth from loan where disbursal_date is not null) loans --two loans don't have a date, and will throw off results where months.yearAndMonth = loans.yearAndMonth (+) group by months.yearAndMonth -- order by months.yearAndMonth ) ), totals as ( select max(total) total, min(yearAndMonth) firstDate, max(yearAndMonth) lastDate from loansPerMonth ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ select 'Cumulative loans' from ( select f_list(cursor(select total from loansPerMonth), ',') data ,total, to_char(to_date(firstDate, 'YYYYMM'), 'YYYY Mon') firstDate ,to_char(to_date(lastDate, 'YYYYMM'), 'YYYY Mon') lastDate from totals ); */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --REGION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view v_region_loansPerRegion_good as select 'Loans per Region per Quarter' html from ( select max(case when region = 'Africa' then data else null end) AfricaData ,max(case when region = 'Asia' then data else null end) AsiaData ,max(case when region = 'Central America' then data else null end) CentralAmericaData ,max(case when region = 'Eastern Europe' then data else null end) EasternEuropeData ,max(case when region = 'Middle East' then data else null end) MiddleEastData ,max(case when region = 'North America' then data else null end) NorthAmericaData ,max(case when region = 'South America' then data else null end) SouthAmericaData --Display year for first quarter, else just display Q# --Original version when there was room for full year numbers. --,regexp_replace(regexp_replace(max(labels), '[0-9]{4}([2-4])', 'Q\1'), '([0-9]{4})1', '\1 Q1') labels ,regexp_replace(regexp_replace(max(labels), '[0-9]{4}([2-4])', 'Q\1'), '[0-9]{2}([0-9]{2})1', '\1 Q1') labels from ( select region, to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(runningPercent, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), ',') data ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(yearAndQuarter, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), '|') labels from ( select region, yearAndQuarter--, total, percent ,trim(to_char(sum(percent) over (partition by yearAndQuarter order by yearAndQuarter, region rows between unbounded preceding and current row),'990')) runningPercent ,row_number() over (partition by region order by yearAndQuarter) rownumber from ( select loansPerQuarter.region, quarters.yearAndQuarter, nvl(loansPerQuarter.total,0) total ,nvl(nvl(total,0) / sum(total) over (partition by quarters.yearAndQuarter) * 100, 0) percent from ( --Uncomment "where gooddate = 1" to only display meaningful data --This is the only difference between the "good" and the "bad" version select distinct yearAndQuarter from mv_months where gooddata = 1 ) quarters left outer join ( select country.region, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYQ') yearAndQuarter ,count(*) total from loan, country where loan.country = country.name group by country.region, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYQ') order by yearAndQuarter, region ) loansPerQuarter partition by (region) on quarters.yearAndQuarter = loansPerQuarter.yearAndQuarter order by quarters.yearAndQuarter, loansPerQuarter.region ) ) group by region ) ); create or replace view v_region_loansPerRegion_bad as select 'Loans per Region per Quarter' html from ( select max(case when region = 'Africa' then data else null end) AfricaData ,max(case when region = 'Asia' then data else null end) AsiaData ,max(case when region = 'Central America' then data else null end) CentralAmericaData ,max(case when region = 'Eastern Europe' then data else null end) EasternEuropeData ,max(case when region = 'Middle East' then data else null end) MiddleEastData ,max(case when region = 'North America' then data else null end) NorthAmericaData ,max(case when region = 'South America' then data else null end) SouthAmericaData --Display year for first quarter, else just display Q# ,regexp_replace(regexp_replace(max(labels), '[0-9]{4}([2-4])', 'Q\1'), '([0-9]{4})1', '\1 Q1') labels from ( select region, to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(runningPercent, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), ',') data ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(yearAndQuarter, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), '|') labels from ( select region, yearAndQuarter--, total, percent ,trim(to_char(sum(percent) over (partition by yearAndQuarter order by yearAndQuarter, region rows between unbounded preceding and current row),'990')) runningPercent ,row_number() over (partition by region order by yearAndQuarter) rownumber from ( select loansPerQuarter.region, quarters.yearAndQuarter, nvl(loansPerQuarter.total,0) total ,nvl(nvl(total,0) / sum(total) over (partition by quarters.yearAndQuarter) * 100, 0) percent from ( --Uncomment "where gooddate = 1" to only display meaningful data --This is the only difference between the "good" and the "bad" version select distinct yearAndQuarter from mv_months --where gooddata = 1 ) quarters left outer join ( select country.region, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYQ') yearAndQuarter ,count(*) total from loan, country where loan.country = country.name group by country.region, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYQ') order by yearAndQuarter, region ) loansPerQuarter partition by (region) on quarters.yearAndQuarter = loansPerQuarter.yearAndQuarter order by quarters.yearAndQuarter, loansPerQuarter.region ) ) group by region ) ); create or replace view v_region_table as select case when region = 'Africa' then ''||description||'' else null end || ''||value||'' || case when region = 'South America' then '' else null end html from ( select dense_rank() over (order by description) metricNumber ,variableType, region, description ,case when variableType = 'number' then trim(to_char(value, '999,999,990')) when variableType = 'percent' then trim(to_char(value, '999,999,990.00'))||'%' when variableType = 'money' then '$'||trim(to_char(value, '999,999,990')) else value end value from ( select * from mv_metrics where region is not null order by description, region ) ); create or replace view v_region_listOfCountries as select ''||region||''||countries||'' html from ( select region, to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(country, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), ', ') countries from ( select region, country, row_number() over (partition by region order by country) rownumber from ( select distinct region, loan.country from loan, country where loan.country = country.name ) ) group by region ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --COUNTRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view v_country_mapListOfCountries as select case when rowNumber = 0 then 'd.addRows('||total||');'|| 'd.addColumn(''string'',''Country'');' else null end || 'd.setValue('||rowNumber||', 0, '''||replace(country, '''', '''''')||''');' javascript from ( --Subtract 1 to get 0-based index select row_number() over (order by country) - 1 rowNumber --Google maps requires different names for some countries. Escape all quotation marks. ,replace( replace( replace( replace(country, 'Cote D''Ivoire', 'Ivory Coast') , 'Viet Nam', 'Vietnam') , 'The Democratic Republic of the Congo', 'CD') --TODO: There has to be a better name than this , '''', '''''') country , count(*)over() total from ( select distinct country from loan ) order by rownumber ); create or replace view v_country_map as --Metrics per Country Map and Table select --Create javascript case for the first value for the metric case when countryNumber = firstCountryNumber then 'case '''||description||''':'|| ' d.addColumn('''||case when variableType in ('percent','money','number','decimal') then 'number' when variableType in ('date') then 'string' else 'ERROR' end|| ''','''||description||''');' else null end || --Add value case when variableType in ('number', 'decimal', 'money', 'percent') then 'd.setValue('||countryNumber||',1,'||value||');' when variableType = 'date' then 'd.setValue('||countryNumber||',1,"'||value||'");' else 'ERROR' end || --Add formatter for last value for the metric case when countrynumber = lastCountryNumber then case when variableType = 'number' then ' var f = new google.visualization.TableNumberFormat({groupingSymbol:",",fractionDigits:0}); '|| ' f.format(d,1); break;' when variableType = 'decimal' then ' var f = new google.visualization.TableNumberFormat({groupingSymbol:",",fractionDigits:2}); '|| ' f.format(d, 1); break;' when variableType = 'money' then ' var f = new google.visualization.TableNumberFormat({groupingSymbol:",",prefix:"$",fractionDigits:0}); '|| ' f.format(d,1); break;' when variableType = 'percent' then ' var f = new google.visualization.TableNumberFormat({suffix:"%",fractionDigits:2}); '|| ' f.format(d,1); break;' when variableType = 'date' then ' break;' --don't format string end else null end javascript from ( select country, countrynumber, variabletype, description, value ,dense_rank() over (order by description) metricNumber ,min(countryNumber) over () firstCountryNumber ,max(countryNumber) over() lastCountrynumber from mv_metrics where country is not null and description <> 'Countries (#)' order by description, countryNumber ); create or replace view v_country_mapOptions as select '' html from ( select country, countrynumber, variabletype, description, value ,dense_rank() over (order by description) metricNumber ,min(countryNumber) over () firstCountryNumber ,max(countryNumber) over() lastCountrynumber from mv_metrics where country is not null and description <> 'Countries (#)' order by description, countryNumber ) where countryNumber = firstCountrynumber; create or replace view v_country_table as select --Don't put a comma in front of the first row case when countryNumber <> 0 then ',' else null end|| '{c:[{v:"'||country||'"},'|| to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj( case when variabletype = 'date' then '{v:new Date('||to_char(to_date(value,'DD Mon YYYY'),'YYYY,MM,DD')||'),f:"'||value||'"}' else '{v:'||value||'}' end ,metricNumber)) as collect_ntt)) || ',{v:"'||country||'"}]}' javascript from ( select region, regionnumber, country, countrynumber, variabletype, description, value ,dense_rank() over (order by description) metricNumber from mv_metrics where country is not null and description <> 'Countries (#)' ) group by countryNumber, country; create or replace view v_country_formatAndColumnDef as select to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj( --Only need to format number, decimal, and percent case when variableType = 'number' then 'var f = new google.visualization.TableNumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0}); '|| 'f.format(data, '||(metricNumber)||');' when variableType = 'decimal' then 'var f = new google.visualization.TableNumberFormat({fractionDigits: 2}); '|| 'f.format(data, '||(metricNumber)||');' when variableType = 'percent' then 'var f = new google.visualization.TableNumberFormat({suffix: "%"}); '|| 'f.format(data, '||(metricNumber)||');' when variableType = 'money' then 'var f = new google.visualization.TableNumberFormat({prefix:"$"}); '|| 'f.format(data, '||(metricNumber)||');' else null end ,metricNumber)) as collect_ntt), ' ') formatting ,'{id:"Country",label:"Country",type:"string"},'|| to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj( --Can't use distinct here, instead only return data once per metric (for country 0), collect will exclude nulls case when countryNumber = 0 then --Google types are string, number, and date. My types are number, percent, decimal, money, and date. '{id:"'||description||'",label:"'||description||'",type:"'||decode(variableType,'date','date','number')||'"}' else null end ,case when countryNumber = 0 then metricNumber else null end)) as collect_ntt)) || --And end with country (repeat the column for readability) ',{id:"Country",label:"Country",type:"string"}' columnDefinitions from ( select region, regionnumber, country, countrynumber, variabletype, description, value ,dense_rank() over (order by description) metricNumber from mv_metrics where country is not null and description <> 'Countries (#)' ) --Only need one row where countryNumber = 0; create or replace view v_country_loansPerCountry as select 'Loans per Country' html from ( select to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(country, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), '|') labels ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(trim(to_char(percent, '990')), rownumber)) as collect_ntt), ',') data from ( select case when rownumber >= 20 then 'Others ('||totalRemaining||')' else country||' ('||total||')' end country ,case when rownumber >= 20 then percentRemaining else percent end percent ,rownumber from ( select country, total, rownumber, percent ,sum(total) over (order by rownumber rows between current row and unbounded following) totalRemaining ,100 - sum(percent) over (order by rownumber rows between unbounded preceding and current row) percentRemaining from ( --Dominican Republic is too large for chart. select decode(country, 'Dominican Republic', 'Dom. Republic', country) country ,total ,row_number() over (order by total desc, country) rownumber ,total / sum(total) over () * 100 percent from ( select country, count(*) total from loan group by country order by total desc ) --order by rownumber --this crashes Oracle - ORA-07445 ) ) where rownumber <= 20 ) ); --List of all countries create or replace view v_country_listOfCountries as select f_list(cursor(select distinct country from loan order by country), ', ') html from dual; create or replace view v_country_animated_gif as --MANUAL: --1. Copy all links into a HTML file, open HTML file in browser, and save images to directory using the number and -- month as part of the name. --2. In Inkscape: Open the PNG, add Arial size 18 text at Y 20, centered on the page. If the month has a descender -- character, such as "y" or "g", then add another line of text without a descender, and align the text to the top -- of the new text. (This ensures that all text are at the same height, since Inkscape measures distance from the -- bottom.) Save the files as PNG. --3. Select all the new files and drag them into GIMP. Filters-->Animation-->Optimize (for GIF). In each layer, -- change the time from 100 ms to 1000 ms. --4. File-->Save As, save the file with a GIF extension, select save as animation and then export. --5. Old images are in /Adhoc results/Animated GIF/. Put the new image in /website/images --Create cumulative list of countries per month, only displaying months with new countries. select trim(to_char(rownum, '00'))||': '||to_char(to_date(yearAndMonth, 'YYYYMM'), 'Mon YYYY')|| ''|| '

' html from ( --Add a list of "100," for each country. select yearAndMonth, countries, substr(rpad(' ', 4 * length(countries)/2 + 1, ',100'), 3) numbers from ( --Make the list distinct select yearAndMonth, countries ,case when countries = lag(countries) over (order by yearAndMonth) then 1 else 0 end isDuplicate from ( --Create list of countries per month select yearAndMonth, to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(iso_code, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), null) countries from ( --Add rownumber for ordering select yearAndMonth, iso_code, row_number() over (partition by yearAndMonth order by iso_code) rownumber from ( --Countries that had a loan on or before each month select distinct mv_months.yearAndMonth, loans.iso_code from mv_months ,(select country.iso_code, least(nvl(disbursal_date, to_date('01-JAN-9999', 'DD-MON-YYYY')), nvl(posted_date, to_date('01-JAN-9999', 'DD-MON-YYYY')), nvl(funded_date, to_date('01-JAN-9999', 'DD-MON-YYYY'))) firstDate from loan, country where loan.country = country.name and iso_code is not null --map must have an iso code --and rownum < 10000 --For testing (it's much faster with less values) ) loans where to_char(loans.firstDate, 'YYYYMM') <= mv_months.yearAndMonth order by yearAndMonth ) ) group by yearAndMonth ) ) where isDuplicate = 0 ) order by yearAndMonth; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --TOWN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view v_town_regionMarkers as select --I'd like to use multiple lines, but SQL Developer adds quotation marks to multi-line copies, so it makes it --very inconvenient. 'var region'||rownum||'Point = new GLatLng('||latitude||', '||longitude||');'|| 'var region'||rownum||'Marker = new GMarker(region'||rownum||'Point, regionIconMarkerOptions);'|| 'GEvent.addListener(region'||rownum||'Marker, "click", function(){'|| ' map.openInfoWindowHtml(region'||rownum||'Point, "


# Loans = '||totalLoans|| '
Total Loan Amount = '||loanAmount||'");});'|| 'regionMarkers.push(region'||rownum||'Marker);' javascript from ( select region.name, region.latitude, region.longitude ,trim(to_char(count(loan.id),'999,990')) totalLoans ,'$'||trim(to_char(sum(loan_amount),'999,999,990')) loanAmount from loan, country, region where loan.status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') and loan.country = country.name and country.region = region.name group by region.name, region.latitude, region.longitude ); create or replace view v_town_regionMarkers as select --I'd like to use multiple lines, but SQL Developer adds quotation marks to multi-line copies, so it makes it --very inconvenient. 'var region'||rownum||'Point = new GLatLng('||latitude||', '||longitude||');'|| 'var region'||rownum||'Marker = new GMarker(region'||rownum||'Point, regionIconMarkerOptions);'|| 'GEvent.addListener(region'||rownum||'Marker, "click", function(){'|| ' map.openInfoWindowHtml(region'||rownum||'Point, "


# Loans = '||totalLoans|| '
Total Loan Amount = '||loanAmount||'");});'|| 'regionMarkers.push(region'||rownum||'Marker);' javascript from ( select region.name, region.latitude, region.longitude ,trim(to_char(count(loan.id),'999,990')) totalLoans ,'$'||trim(to_char(sum(loan_amount),'999,999,990')) loanAmount from loan, country, region where loan.status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') and loan.country = country.name and country.region = region.name group by region.name, region.latitude, region.longitude ); create or replace view v_town_countryMarkers as select --I'd like to use multiple lines, but SQL Developer adds quotation marks to multi-line copies, so it makes it --very inconvenient. 'var country'||rownum||'Point = new GLatLng('||latitude||', '||longitude||');'|| 'var country'||rownum||'Marker = new GMarker(country'||rownum||'Point, countryIconMarkerOptions);'|| 'GEvent.addListener(country'||rownum||'Marker, "click", function(){'|| ' map.openInfoWindowHtml(country'||rownum||'Point, "


# Loans = '||totalLoans|| '
Total Loan Amount = '||loanAmount||'");});'|| 'countryMarkers.push(country'||rownum||'Marker);' javascript from ( select country.name, country.latitude, country.longitude ,trim(to_char(count(loan.id),'999,990')) totalLoans ,'$'||trim(to_char(sum(loan_amount),'999,999,990')) loanAmount from loan, country where loan.status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') and loan.country = country.name group by country.name, country.latitude, country.longitude ); create or replace view v_town_townMarkers as select --Put comma between values, but not the first case when rownum <> 1 then ',' else null end|| '{a:'||latitude||',o:'||longitude||',h:"


# Loans = '||totalLoans||'
Total Loan Amount = '|| loanAmount||'",s:'|| case when totalLoansNumber >= 101 then 1 when totalLoansNumber between 6 and 100 then 2 when totalLoansNumber between 0 and 5 then 3 end ||'}' javascript from ( select town, substr(geopairs, 1, instr(geopairs, ' ')-1) latitude, substr(geopairs, instr(geopairs, ' ')+1) longitude ,trim(to_char(count(loan.id),'999,990')) totalLoans ,count(loan.id) totalLoansNumber ,'$'||trim(to_char(sum(loan_amount),'999,999,990')) loanAmount from loan where loan.status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') and geolevel = 'town' group by town, substr(geopairs, 1, instr(geopairs, ' ')-1), substr(geopairs, instr(geopairs, ' ')+1) ); create or replace view v_town_comment as select '

There are '||(select trim(to_char(count(*),'999,990')) from (select distinct country, town from loan)) ||' distinct towns, but there are '||(select trim(to_char(count(*),'999,990')) from loan where town is null)|| ' loans without a town listed so the real number of towns could be much higher.

' html from dual; create or replace view v_town_top10Towns as select ''||town||''||country||''||total||'' html from ( select nvl(town, '[none]') town, country, total from ( select town, country, count(*) total from loan group by town, country order by count(*) desc ) where rownum <= 10 order by total desc ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view v_status_pieChart as select 'Status' html from ( select to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(percent, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), ',') data ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(status, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), '|') labels from ( select status||' ('||trim(to_char(total,'999,990'))||')' status ,trim(to_char(total / sum(total) over () * 100,'990')) percent ,total, row_number() over (order by total desc) rownumber from ( select status, count(*) total from loan group by status order by total desc ) ) ); create or replace view v_status_comment as select 'The status data is not as interesting as I had hoped. I wanted to analyze the data to '||chr(10)|| 'determine what makes a loan default, but it seems that loan failure is much more about the partner '||chr(10)|| 'than the individual loan. Currently there are '||numberOfPartners||' partners with loans, and only '|| numberOfPartnersWithDefaults||chr(10)||' of them have any defaulted loans. Of those '||numberOfPartnersWithDefaults|| ' partners, just '||rowNumberToUse||' of them account for '||runningTotalPercent||' of the defaults.' text from ( select trim(to_char(runningTotalPercent, '99.0'))||'%' runningTotalPercent, numberOfPartners ,rowNumberToUse, numberOfPartnersWithDefaults from ( select partner_id, defaulted, sum(percent) over (order by defaulted desc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) runningTotalPercent ,numberOfPartners, numberOfPartnersWithDefaults, rownumber, rowNumberToUse from ( select partner_id, defaulted, defaulted/sum(defaulted)over()*100 percent ,count(partner_id) over () numberOfPartners ,count(case when defaulted > 0 then partner_id else null end) over () numberOfPartnersWithDefaults ,row_number() over (order by defaulted desc) rownumber --This number was manually selected ,4 rowNumberToUse from ( select partner_id, count(case when status = 'defaulted' then 1 else null end) defaulted from loan group by partner_id ) order by defaulted desc ) ) where rownumber = rowNumberToUse ); --DO NOT USE: Not meaningful data --Count the number of defaulted loans per country and month. --The date of failure is the last payment.processed_date, or the last localpayment.due_date if there are no payments) /* select loan.country, to_char(nvl(lastProcessedDate, lastDueDate), 'YYYYMM') lastDate, count(*) from loan ,(select loan_id, max(processed_date) lastProcessedDate from payment group by loan_id ) lastPayment ,(select loan_id, max(due_date) lastDueDate from localPayment group by loan_id ) lastLocalPayment where loan.id = lastPayment.loan_id (+) and loan.id = lastLocalPayment.loan_id (+) and loan.status = 'defaulted' group by loan.country, to_char(nvl(lastProcessedDate, lastDueDate), 'YYYYMM') order by country, lastDate ; */ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --LOAN SIZE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view v_loansize_comments as select 'Smallest loan: '||smallestLoan||'
Largest loan: '||largestLoan||'
Average loan: '||averageLoan||'
'|| 'Average per borrower: $'||trim(to_char(totalAmount / ( select count(*) numberOfBorrowers from loan inner join borrower on loan.id = borrower.loan_id where loan.status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') ), '999,990.0')) || '
' text from ( select '$'||to_char(min(loan_amount)) smallestLoan ,'$'||trim(to_char(max(loan_amount), '999,990')) largestLoan ,'$'||trim(to_char(avg(loan_amount), '999,990.0')) averageLoan ,sum(loan_amount) totalAmount from loan where status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') ); create or replace view v_loansize_fundedOverTime as --Funded amount equal-width histogram over time select 'Loan amount sum per size per quarter' html from ( select bucket, minLoan, maxLoan, min(yearAndQuarter) minYearAndQuarter , max(yearAndQuarter) maxYearAndQuarter ,row_number() over (order by bucket) rownumber ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(trim(to_char(runningSumPercent,'990')), rownumber)) as collect_ntt), ',') sumList --,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(minLoan||' - '||maxLoan, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), '|') labels from ( select bucket, yearAndQuarter, minLoan, maxLoan ,sum(sumPercent) over (partition by yearAndQuarter order by bucket rows between unbounded preceding and current row) runningSumPercent ,row_number() over (partition by bucket order by yearAndQuarter) rownumber from ( select bucket, yearAndQuarter, loanSum, minLoan, maxLoan ,case when sumPerYearAndQuarter = 0 then 0 else loanSum / sumPerYearAndQuarter *100 end sumPercent from ( select bucket, yearAndQuarter, loanSum, sum(loanSum) over (partition by yearAndQuarter) sumPerYearAndQuarter ,minLoan, maxLoan from ( select fundedEqualWidthHistogram.bucket, loansPerYearAndQuarter.yearAndQuarter ,sum(loansPerYearAndQuarter.loanSum) loanSum ,max(fundedEqualWidthHistogram.minLoan) minLoan ,max(fundedEqualWidthHistogram.maxLoan) maxLoan from ( select loans.funded_amount, quarters.yearAndQuarter, nvl(loanCount, 0) loanCount, nvl(loanSum, 0) loanSum from ( --Data gets interesting around this date select distinct yearAndQuarter from mv_months where yearAndMonth >= '200602' ) quarters left outer join ( select funded_amount, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYQ') yearAndQuarter, count(*) loanCount ,sum(funded_amount) loanSum from loan where status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') group by funded_amount, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYQ') ) loans partition by (loans.funded_amount) on loans.yearAndQuarter = quarters.yearAndQuarter ) loansPerYearAndQuarter ,(select bucket, minLoan, maxLoan, count(*) loanCount, sum(funded_amount) loanSum from ( select id, funded_amount, bucket ,min(funded_amount) over (partition by bucket) minLoan ,max(funded_amount) over (partition by bucket) maxLoan from ( select id, funded_amount --Add 1 to max so that the last value is included in the last bucket and not put in a separate bucket ,width_bucket(funded_amount, (select min(funded_amount) from loan) ,(select max(funded_amount)+1 from loan), 10) bucket from loan where status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') ) ) group by bucket, minLoan, maxLoan ) fundedEqualWidthHistogram where loansPerYearAndQuarter.funded_amount >= fundedEqualWidthHistogram.minLoan and loansPerYearAndQuarter.funded_amount <= fundedEqualWidthHistogram.maxLoan group by bucket, loansPerYearAndQuarter.yearAndQuarter, loansPerYearAndQuarter.yearAndQuarter ) loansPerYearAndQuartAndBucket ) ) ) group by bucket, minLoan, maxLoan ); create or replace view v_loansize_averageLoanSize as --Average loan size per month --Average loan size per borrower per month select 'Average loan size per month' average ,'Average loan size per borrower per month' averagePerBorrower from ( select to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(trim(to_char(average, '999,990')), rownumber)) as collect_ntt)) averageList ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(trim(to_char(averagePerBorrower, '999,990')), rownumber)) as collect_ntt)) averagePerBorrowerList ,to_char(to_date(min(yearAndMonth), 'YYYYMM'), 'YYYY Mon') firstYearAndMonth ,to_char(to_date(max(yearAndMonth), 'YYYYMM'), 'YYYY Mon') lastYearAndMonth ,trim(to_char(max(average), '999,990')) largestAverage from ( select months.yearAndMonth, nvl(average, 0) average, nvl(averagePerBorrower, 0) averagePerBorrower ,row_number() over (order by months.yearAndMonth) rownumber from ( select yearAndMonth from mv_months ) months left outer join ( select to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM') yearAndMonth ,avg(funded_amount) average ,avg(funded_amount / nvl(numberOfBorrowers, 0)) averagePerBorrower from loan ,(select loan_id, count(*) numberOfBorrowers from borrower group by loan_id ) borrowersPerLoan where loan.id = borrowersPerLoan.loan_id (+) and loan.status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') group by to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM') ) loans on months.yearAndMonth = loans.yearAndMonth ) ); create or replace view v_loansize_purchasing_power as select '' html from ( select trim(to_char(totalLoanAmount.totalLoanAmount / 1000000, '999'))||' million' given ,trim(to_char(totalLoanAmount * moneyMultiplier / 1000000000, '9.99'))||' billion' received ,trim(to_char(totalLoanAmount.totalLoanAmount / (totalLoanAmount * moneyMultiplier + totalLoanAmount) * 100, '99')) givenPercent ,trim(to_char(totalLoanAmount * moneyMultiplier / (totalLoanAmount * moneyMultiplier + totalLoanAmount) * 100, '99')) receivedPercent from ( --Find the average money multiplier select avg(lenderCountry.gdpPerCapitaPPP / loanCountry.gdpPerCapitaPPP) moneyMultiplier from loan_lender inner join loan on loan_lender.loan_id = loan.id inner join country loanCountry on loan.country = loanCountry .name inner join lender on loan_lender.lender_id = lender.lender_id inner join country lenderCountry on lender.country_code = lenderCountry.iso_code where loan.status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') ) averageMoneyMultiplier cross join ( --Total amount of money loaned select sum(loan_amount) totalLoanAmount from loan where loan.status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') ) totalLoanAmount ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --SECTOR/ACTIVITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view v_sector_loansPerActivityTop15 as --TODO: encode %? select 'Loans per Activity (Top 15)' html from ( select to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(activity||' ('||total||')', labelRowNumber)) as collect_ntt), '|') labels ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(percent, dataRowNumber)) as collect_ntt), ',') data from ( select activity, trim(to_char(total / sum(total) over () * 100,'990')) percent ,total, row_number() over (order by total desc) dataRowNumber ,row_number() over (order by total asc) labelRowNumber from ( --Replace "&" with "and". (& does not work) select replace(activity, '&', 'and') activity, count(*) total from loan group by activity order by total desc ) ) where dataRowNumber <= 15 ); create or replace view v_sector_loansPerSectorChart as select 'Loans per Sector' html from ( select to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(sector||' ('||total||')', labelRowNumber)) as collect_ntt), '|') labels ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(percent, dataRowNumber)) as collect_ntt), ',') data from ( select sector, trim(to_char(total / sum(total) over () * 100,'990')) percent ,total, row_number() over (order by total desc) dataRowNumber ,row_number() over (order by total asc) labelRowNumber from ( select sector, count(*) total from loan group by sector --order by total desc ) ) ); create or replace view v_sector_loansPerSectPerMonth as --Loans per sector per month table with sparklines select --Comma does not need to be removed from last row since another group of JSON is appended to this one. '{c:[{v:'''||sector||'''},{v:''[total]''},{v:'||grandLoanCount||'},{v:'||percentLoanCount||'}'|| ',{v:'||grandLoanSum||'},{v:'||percentLoanSum||'},{v:'''||html||'''}]},' javascript from ( select sector, grandLoanCount, percentLoanCount, grandLoanSum, percentLoanSum ,row_number() over (order by sector) rownumber, count(*) over() numberOfRows ,(select count(distinct activity) total from loan) numberOfActivities ,'Loans per Month for '||sector||'' html from ( select sector, maxLoanCount, grandLoanCount, percentLoanCount, grandLoanSum, percentLoanSum ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(loanCount, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), ',') data --,f_list(cursor(select loanCount from loansPerSectorPerMonth where sector = distinctSectors.sector),',') data from ( select sector, months.yearAndMonth ,nvl(loanCount, 0) loanCount ,nvl(loanSum, 0) loanSum ,max(loanCount) over (partition by sector) maxLoanCount ,sum(loanCount) over (partition by sector) grandLoanCount ,trim(to_char(sum(loanCount) over (partition by sector) / sum(loanCount) over() * 100, '990.00')) percentLoanCount ,sum(loanSum) over (partition by sector) grandLoanSum ,trim(to_char(sum(loanSum) over (partition by sector) / sum(loanSum) over() * 100, '990.00')) percentLoanSum ,row_number() over (order by sector, months.yearAndMonth) rownumber from ( select yearAndMonth from mv_months ) months left outer join ( select sector, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM') yearAndMonth, count(*) loanCount ,sum(funded_amount) loanSum from loan group by sector, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM') ) loans partition by (loans.sector) on loans.yearAndMonth = months.yearAndMonth order by sector, months.yearAndMonth ) group by sector, maxLoanCount, grandLoanCount, percentLoanCount, grandLoanSum, percentLoanSum ) ) order by sector; create or replace view v_sector_loansPerActPerMonth as select '{c:[{v:'''||sector||'''},{v:'''||activity||'''},{v:'||grandLoanCount||'},{v:'||percentLoanCount||'}'|| ',{v:'||grandLoanSum||'},{v:'||percentLoanSum||'},{v:'''||html||'''}]}' || case when rownum = numberOfRows then null else ',' end javascript from ( select sector, activity, grandLoanCount, percentLoanCount, grandLoanSum, percentLoanSum ,'Loans per Month for '||activity||'' html ,count(*) over () numberOfRows from ( select sector, activity, maxLoanCount, grandLoanCount, percentLoanCount, grandLoanSum, percentLoanSum ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(loanCount, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), ',') data from ( select sector, activity, months.yearAndMonth ,nvl(loanCount, 0) loanCount ,nvl(loanSum, 0) loanSum ,nvl(max(loanCount) over (partition by sector, activity), 0) maxLoanCount ,nvl(sum(loanCount) over (partition by sector, activity), 0) grandLoanCount ,nvl(trim(to_char(sum(loanCount) over (partition by sector, activity) / sum(loanCount) over() * 100, '999.00')), '0') percentLoanCount ,nvl(sum(loanSum) over (partition by sector, activity), 0) grandLoanSum ,nvl(trim(to_char(sum(loanSum) over (partition by sector, activity) / sum(loanSum) over() * 100, '999.00')), '0') percentLoanSum ,row_number() over (order by sector, activity, months.yearAndMonth) rownumber from ( select yearAndMonth from mv_months ) months left outer join ( select sector, activity, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM') yearAndMonth, count(*) loanCount ,sum(funded_amount) loanSum from loan group by sector, activity, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM') ) loans partition by (loans.sector, loans.activity) on loans.yearAndMonth = months.yearAndMonth order by sector, activity, months.yearAndMonth ) group by sector, activity, maxLoanCount, grandLoanCount, percentLoanCount, grandLoanSum, percentLoanSum ) ); create or replace view v_sector_activities as select f_list(cursor(select distinct activity from loan order by activity), ', ') text from dual; create or replace view v_sector_sectors as select f_list(cursor(select distinct sector from loan order by sector), ', ') text from dual; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --USE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view v_use_comment as select (select trim(to_char((select count(distinct upper(use)) from loan) / (select count(use) from loan) * 100,'99.0'))||'%' from dual) || ' of all entries are distinct, based on a '|| 'case-insensitive count, excluding periods.' text from dual; create or replace view v_use_top20Uses as select ''||use||''||total||'' html from ( select use, total, row_number() over (order by total desc) rownumber from ( select upper(replace(use, '.', '')) use, count(*) total from loan group by upper(replace(use, '.', '')) order by total desc ) ) where rownumber <= 20; create or replace view v_use_top20Words as --29 seconds select ''||word||''||trim(to_char(frequency, '999,999'))||'' html from ( select word, count(*) frequency --21 seconds from ( --I know this looks stupid, but the smarter ways to do this, such as regexp_replace, cause wierd Oracle errors. select replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(upper(word),','),'-'),'—'),'.'),'('),')') word from ( select column_value word, rownum from table(f_splitString(cursor(select use from loan-- where id < 1000 ), ' ')) ) ) --Exclude some words where word not in ('TO','AND','THE','OF','A','FOR','IN','DE','AS','WILL','MORE','LIKE') group by word order by count(*) desc ) where rownum <= 20; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --LANGUAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view v_language_pieChart as --Count of languages excluding English where English is one of multiple language --(warning: large language names may get cut off) select 'Loans per Languages' html from ( select to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(percent, rownumber)) as collect_ntt)) data ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(language, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), '|') labels from ( select language, percent, total, row_number() over (order by total desc) rownumber from ( --'Spanish; Castillian' is too large for chart select decode(language, 'Spanish; Castilian', 'Spanish', language) ||' ('||total||')' language ,trim(to_char(total / sum(total) over () * 100,'990')) percent ,total from ( select language.name language, count(*) total from language ,(select loan_id, code from ( select loan_id, code, count(*) over (partition by loan_id) languagesPerLoan from loan_language ) where languagesPerLoan = 1 or code <> 'en' ) languages where language.code = languages.code group by language.name order by total desc ) ) ) ); create or replace view v_language_percentLoansEnglish as select trim(to_char((select count(distinct loan_id) from loan_language where code = 'en') / (select count(*) from loan) * 100, '990.00')) html from dual; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --CURRENCY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view v_currency_table as select '{c:[{v:'''||currencyName||'''},{v:'''||currencyCode||'''},{v:'||grandLoanCount||'},{v:'||percentLoanCount||'}'|| ',{v:'||grandLoanSum||'},{v:'||percentLoanSum||'},{v:"'||countries||'"},{v:'''||rateChart||'''}'|| ',{v:'''||loanChart||'''}]}'|| --Put comma at the end of each line, except the last line case when row_number() over (order by currencyName) = count(*) over () then null else ',' end javascript from ( select currencyName, currencyCode, grandLoanCount, percentLoanCount, grandLoanSum, percentLoanSum ,f_list(cursor( select distinct country from loan where disbursal_currency = currencyCode order by country ), ', ') countries ,'Loans per Month for '||currencyName||'' loanChart ,''||currencyCode||' / USD' rateChart from ( select currencyCode, currencyName, maxLoanCount, grandLoanCount, percentLoanCount, grandLoanSum, percentLoanSum ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(loanCount, rownumber)) as collect_ntt)) loanList --Unlike most charts, exclude months without data ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(case when localPerUSD = 0 then null else localPerUSD end, rownumber)) as collect_ntt), ',', 0) rateList ,to_string(cast(collect(collect_obj(case when localPerUSD = 0 then null else localPerUSD end, rownumber)) as collect_ntt)) rateList2 ,maxLocalPerUSD from ( select currencyCode, currencyName, months.yearAndMonth ,nvl(loanCount, 0) loanCount ,nvl(loanSum, 0) loanSum ,max(loanCount) over (partition by currencyCode) maxLoanCount ,sum(loanCount) over (partition by currencyCode) grandLoanCount ,trim(to_char(sum(loanCount) over (partition by currencyCode) / sum(loanCount) over() * 100, '990.00')) percentLoanCount ,sum(loanSum) over (partition by currencyCode) grandLoanSum ,trim(to_char(sum(loanSum) over (partition by currencyCode) / sum(loanSum) over() * 100, '990.00')) percentLoanSum --,nvl(trim(to_char(localPerUSD, '999,999,990.000000')), '0') localPerUSD ,nvl(localPerUSD, 0) localPerUSD ,max(localPerUSD) over (partition by currencyCode) maxLocalPerUSD ,row_number() over (order by currencyCode, months.yearAndMonth) rownumber from ( select yearAndMonth from mv_months ) months left outer join ( select disbursal_currency currencyCode, currency.name currencyName, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM') yearAndMonth ,count(*) loanCount ,sum(funded_amount) loanSum ,avg(disbursal_amount / loan_amount) localPerUSD from loan, currency where loan.disbursal_currency = currency.code and status <> 'refunded' --DEBUG --where rownum <= 100 --where substr(disbursal_currency, 1, 1) = 'K' group by disbursal_currency, currency.name, to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM') ) loans partition by (loans.currencyCode, loans.currencyName) on loans.yearAndMonth = months.yearAndMonth order by currencyCode, months.yearAndMonth ) group by currencyCode, currencyName, maxLoanCount, grandLoanCount, percentLoanCount, grandLoanSum, percentLoanSum ,maxLocalPerUSD ) ) order by currencyName; create or replace view v_currency_outliers as --Top 20 Currency outliers --Why are some exchange rates drastically different than others? select --loan_id, disbursal_amount, loan_amount, code, name, disbursal_date, rate, averageRate, percentError case when rownum = 1 then ''|| ''|| ''|| '' else null end || ''|| ''|| '' || case when rownum = 20 then '
Currency Outliers (Top 20)
Loan IDLocal AmountUS$ AmountCurrency NameCurrency CodeDisbursal DateRateAverage RatePercent Error
' else null end html from ( select loan_id, trim(to_char(disbursal_amount, '999,999,990.0')) disbursal_amount ,trim(to_char(loan_amount, '999,990.0')) loan_amount, name, code ,to_char(disbursal_date, 'DD Mon YYYY') disbursal_date, trim(to_char(rate, '999,990.0')) rate ,trim(to_char(averageRate, '999,990.0')) averageRate ,trim(to_char((abs(averageRate-rate) / averageRate) * 100, '999,990.0'))||'%' percentError ,(abs(averageRate-rate) / averageRate) * 100 percentErrorNumber from ( select id loan_id, disbursal_amount, loan_amount, currency.code, currency.name, disbursal_amount / loan_amount rate ,disbursal_date, avg(disbursal_amount / loan_amount) over (partition by disbursal_currency) averageRate from loan, currency where disbursal_currency <> 'USD' and loan.status <> 'refunded' and loan.disbursal_currency = currency.code ) --where disbursal_currency = 'VND' order by percentErrorNumber desc ) where rownum <= 20; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --BORROWER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view v_borrower_gender as --Gender of Borrower (%) select case when rownum = 1 then 'data.addRows('||max(rownumber)over()||');' else null end || case when gender = 'F' then 'data.setValue('||to_char(rowNumber-1)||', 0, "'||yearAndMonth||'");'|| 'data.setValue('||to_char(rowNumber-1)||', 1, '||genderPercent||');' else 'data.setValue('||to_char(rowNumber-1)||', 2, '||genderPercent||');' end javascript --yearAndMonth, gender, genderPercent from ( select to_char(to_date(yearAndMonth, 'YYYYMM'), 'Mon YYYY') yearAndMonth ,gender, trim(to_char(genderTotal / monthTotal * 100, '990.0')) genderPercent ,dense_rank() over (order by yearAndMonth) rownumber from ( select months.yearAndMonth, gender, nvl(total, 0) genderTotal ,sum(total) over (partition by months.yearAndMonth) monthTotal from (select yearAndMonth from mv_months where yearAndMonth >= '200602') months left outer join (select to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM') yearAndMonth, borrower.gender, count(*) total from loan, borrower where loan.status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') and loan.id = borrower.loan_id group by to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM'), borrower.gender ) borrowerData on months.yearAndMonth = borrowerData.yearAndMonth order by months.yearAndMonth, gender ) ); create or replace view v_borrower_perLoanPerMonth as select 'Average number of borrowers per loan per month' html from ( select to_string2(cast(collect(formattedAverage order by yearAndMonth) as varchar2_ntt),',') data ,to_char(to_date(min(yearAndMonth), 'YYYYMM'), 'YYYY Mon') firstDate ,to_char(to_date(max(yearAndMonth), 'YYYYMM'), 'YYYY Mon') lastDate ,trim(to_char(max(average), '990.0')) largestAverage from ( select months.yearAndMonth, average, formattedAverage from (select yearAndMonth from mv_months where yearAndMonth >= '200602') months left outer join ( select to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM') yearAndMonth, avg(total) average ,trim(to_char(avg(total), '990.00')) formattedAverage from ( select loan.id, posted_date, count(borrower.loan_id) total from loan, borrower where loan.id = borrower.loan_id (+) group by loan.id, posted_date ) group by to_char(posted_date, 'YYYYMM') ) borrowers on months.yearAndMonth = borrowers.yearAndMonth order by yearAndMonth ) ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --FUNDED DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view v_fundedDate_heatmap as select --Start the row for hour 0 case when hour = 0 then '    '||dayname||'' else null end || --For totals, sum the counts for the entire hour, else just display the the total case when dayname = 'Totals' then ''||sum(total) over (partition by hour)||'' else ''||total||'' end || --End the row for hour 23. case when hour = 23 then --For the totals, the ending is the sum of everything case when dayname = 'Totals' then ''||sum(total) over ()||'' --For other rows, the ending is the sum for the day else ''||sum(total) over (partition by dayname)||'' end else null end html --debug --,day, hour, total, dayname from ( select daysAndHours.day, daysAndHours.hour, totals.total ,decode(daysAndHours.day, 1, 'Mon', 2, 'Tue', 3, 'Wed', 4, 'Thu', 5, 'Fri', 6, 'Sat', 7, 'Sun' ,8, 'Totals') dayName from (select day, hour from (select level day from dual connect by level <= 8) days --7 + total cross join (select level-1 hour from dual connect by level <= 24) hours order by day, hour ) daysAndHours left outer join ( select hour, day, count(*) total from ( --Convert all dates to EST select --Add 30 minutes to all times. This way the hour will be based on a 30 minute before and after range. --For example, 4 PM is all dates from 3:30:00 to 4:29:59 to_char(convertGMTToEastern(funded_date) + 30/(24*60), 'HH24') hour --Convert to isoDayNumber. The first day of the week is Monday, duh. ,decode(to_number(to_char(convertGMTToEastern(funded_date) + 30/(24*60), 'D')) , 1, 7, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 6) day from loan where status not in ('refunded', 'fundraising') --and rownum < 1000 --Speed up query for testing ) group by hour, day ) totals on daysAndHours.day = totals.day and daysAndHours.hour = totals.hour ) order by day, hour; create or replace view v_fundedDate_fastestFunded as select '

The least time to fund a loan was '||trim(to_char(secondsToFund, '999.0'))||' seconds, for loan '||loan_id|| ', '||'which was for $'||to_char(loan_amount)||'. (This excludes some early loans that were funded before '|| 'they were posted.)

' html from ( select id loan_id, loan_amount, (funded_date - posted_date)*24*60*60 secondsToFund from loan where status not in ('fundraising', 'refunded') and funded_date >= posted_date order by secondsToFund ) where rownum = 1; create or replace view v_fundedDate_fastestPerDollar as select '

Adjusting for the amount of the loan, the quickest funding was for loan '|| to_char(loan_id)||', which had $'||trim(to_char(loan_amount, '999,999'))||' funded in '|| to_char(secondsToFund)||' seconds (averaging $'||trim(to_char(dollarsFundedPerSecond, '999.00'))|| ' every second).

' html from ( select id loan_id, loan_amount, (funded_date - posted_date)*24*60*60 secondsToFund ,loan_amount / ((funded_date - posted_date)*24*60*60) dollarsFundedPerSecond from loan where status not in ('fundraising', 'refunded') and funded_date >= posted_date order by dollarsFundedPerSecond desc ) where rownum = 1; create or replace view v_fundedDate_equalWidthHist as select case when rownumber = 1 then 'data.addRows('||count(bucket)over()||'); ' else null end || 'data.setValue('||(rownumber-1)||', 0, "'||trim(to_char(minMinutesToFund,'999,990'))||' - ' ||trim(to_char(maxMinutesToFund,'999,990'))||'"); '|| 'data.setValue('||(rownumber-1)||', 1, '||total||');' javascript from ( select bucket, count(*) total, min(minutesToFund) minMinutesToFund, max(minutesToFund) maxMinutesToFund ,row_number() over (order by bucket) rownumber from ( select id, minutesToFund, width_bucket(minutesToFund, 0, max(minutesToFund) over (), 10) bucket from ( select id, posted_date, funded_date, (funded_date - posted_date)*24*60 minutesToFund from loan --Exclude loans with status fundraising and refunded. --Loans without a funded_date are always in either fundraising or refunded, however there are over 900 refunded --loans that have a funded_date, but they are still excluded from these results. where status not in ('fundraising', 'refunded') --Exclude 207 loans that were funded before they were posted. 205 of them were among the very first loans, --which I think were a trial run before the website even existed. The other two, loan id 8827 and 61545, are --several months off, and I assume they are entry errors. and funded_date >= posted_date ) ) group by bucket order by bucket ); create or replace view v_fundedDate_equalHeightHist as --Equal-height histogram of minutes to fund select ''||bucket||''||total||''||minMinutesToFund||''||maxMinutesToFund ||'' html from ( select bucket, trim(to_char(total, '999,990')) total, trim(to_char(minMinutesToFund, '999,990.0')) minMinutesToFund ,trim(to_char(maxMinutesToFund, '999,990.0')) maxMinutesToFund from ( select bucket, count(*) total, min(minutesToFund) minMinutesToFund, max(minutesToFund) maxMinutesToFund from ( select id, minutesToFund, ntile(10) over (order by minutesToFund) bucket from ( select id, posted_date, funded_date, (funded_date - posted_date)*24*60 minutesToFund from loan --Exclude loans with status fundraising and refunded. --Loans without a funded_date are always in either fundraising or refunded, however there are over 900 refunded --loans that have a funded_date, but they are still excluded from these results. where status not in ('fundraising', 'refunded') --Exclude 207 loans that were funded before they were posted. 205 of them were among the very first loans, --which I think were a trial run before the website even existed. The other two, loan id 8827 and 61545, are --several months off, and I assume they are entry errors. and funded_date >= posted_date ) ) group by bucket order by bucket ) ); show errors